For my social action project I decided to do an issue that is addressed in The Heart of Darkness. In The Heart of Darkness there are numerous social issues, like identity, madness, and feminism, but I chose to do corruption. In the book a character named Mr. Kurtz is corrupted by his desire for power and wealth. In the beginning of the book Kurtz is described as being a prodigy, but when we are introduced to him in the book he is mad with power. I chose to do this issue because in today's society police officers are corrupted. They break their social contract and abuse their power for personnel game.
For the social action project Javaughn Miller and I chose to make a video. We got clips from various YouTube videos and news websites and we put them together. We chose to use Tupac's song Changes because of its meaning. In the song he tackles African American social issues, like police brutality and drug use. In the song he says "cops give a damn about a negro? Pull the trigger, kill a nigga, he's a hero." He addresses how African Americans are killed by cops and how the cops aren't punished. This song not only addresses these issues, but it also inspires people to fight police brutality. So watch the video and leave a comment on what you saw or what effect it had on you.
I need to look at this at home so I can see the video again!